Until recently, my home base was PARADISE ALLEY, Jacksonville, Florida outside on the deck, next to the beach. I played over
500 gigs there every Friday and Saturday but it's been scaled back now (it never recovered after the hit it took from
a hurricane) and they don't have live music anymore there, sigh. In fact as far as live music goes, the whole of Jax Beach
is pretty much gone now, unfortunately.
LOTS OF VARIOUS CLUBS, BARS, PRIVATE PARTIES, etc. around Jacksonville. Too numerous to mention.
THE FLORIDA FOLK FESTIVAL 2004-5: Stephen Foster Park, White Springs, Florida. The annual (Memorial Day weekend) gathering
of the "White Springs Nation." This year was my first "solo" spot on the Gazebo stage, thanks to Mr. Frank Thomas and Wendy
Welch, FFF Director. Until her recent move to Wheeling, W. Va., it has been my honor to play with Ms. Bettina Makley, as well
as the Makley Family (and I can't forget Captain Bucket for inviting me to play my first ever gig there!). Of course I love
playing and singing but some of the best times are sitting around the campfire in the evening, jamming and trading stories
with friends.
BARBERVILLE 2006: Played in the church there twice this year. Very nice acoustics. A nice "little" festival celebrating
Pioneer Days there. Getting ready to play the Barberville "Spring Frolic" Festival this weekend (April 22nd & 23rd).
THE FIRST BRONSON MUSIC FESTIVAL: Played there this year (2006) in February. A great stage and Mary's first gig! She
did very well and we played with Donovan and Andy King, a great father & son team!
THE WILL McLEAN FESTIVAL (March 2006). Dade City, Fl. I love this festival and I give thanks to Margaret and everyone
for inviting Mary & I. We had a great time and played with some top notch musicians!
etc. etc. etc.